Using a Modern Search, always-on approach to drive challenge event registrations and revenue for CALM

Tug Agency

Client: CALM

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) is a non-profit taking a stand against suicide. They approached us with several challenges hindering the performance of their paid activity, including an underperforming Google Ads and Google Grants account, difficulty tracking sign-ups to their Challenger Events (their main driver of revenue), as well as CPC that varied greatly and needed to be kept in line with their limited budget. We actioned an account restructure in line with a Modern Search approach, as well as expanded their keyword strategy to capture a much wider audience. We introduced DSA campaigns to drive maximum coverage and visibility across challenger events (there are around 22 annually) while maintaining cost efficiency and driving sign-ups. Our key results included surpassing our sign-up target by 97%, a 34% decrease in CPC spend, a 28% increase in CTR from the Google Ads account, and a 13.48% increase in CTR across event campaigns after the launch of DSAs. Plus, all Challenger events became fully booked for 2023, and we saw two Tug employees run on their behalf!