"Keep It Simple"
Client: NRG
Energy supply company NRG needed to get the word out to homeowners: Not only could they choose their energy provider, it was relatively easy to do. We launched the “Keep it Simple” multimedia campaign in March to raise awareness about choice, ease, and perks for switching by using humor and relatable family situations to drive these messages home and direct people to NRG at pickNRG.com.
Some ads contrast the concepts of easy and hard. In one, a cute puppy is shown playing in a pile of toilet paper that it’s clearly unrolled. “Training puppies? Complicated. Getting perks with home electricity? Simple,” is the copy. A COVID-19-themed print ad shows a loaf of sourdough bread. It’s captioned, “Getting cash back with home electricity is easy unlike making sourdough bread.” Some ads (Condé Nast Traveler) use native advertising to link energy efficiency to aspirational topics like travel.
In November, the campaign was refreshed with new creative. In one video, a woman dances throughout her home flipping switches, clicking remotes, and singing into spatulas until she’s startled when her significant other catches her in this routine. “There’s nothing more empowering than choice, the voiceover says before mentioning perks for switching to NRG. “While we provide the energy, it’s you who’s got the power.”